My photo
Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Rejection occurs when you reach for something higher...
something your'e not qualified for...
Rejection is the success of attempting to better your life....
Better your potential....

Rejection is success of your attempt...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Alan Moore!!!!

I hope you (and when i say you i am referring to the no one who reads my blog) know who this man is. If you its okay.

But if you do know who he is...then you just got about 20 cool points.

Lets see...

Alan Mooore

So yea if you are aware of the "Big Hollywood Movies" then you would recognize these titles.

Alan Moore is the mastermind behind these movies; he created (along w some awesome illustrators) the graphic novel that these movies are based on. Oh, by the way hes also the mastermind behind League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I never really saw this movie though (kind of fell asleep, but not because of the boredom but bc i had just taken benadryl).

To be honest I never heard of Alan Moore until I saw V for Vendetta. I decided to look it up online (wikipedia of course) and to my amazement saw that it was adapted from Alan Moores graphic novel "V for Vendetta."

I loved the movie and I loved the novel even more. Of course they always say the book is better than the movie so yea. Im even thinking about getting a tattoo related to the novel...but thats another topic for another day..

Theres something about Alan Moore's writing that just amazes me. So...while i wikipediad (a word?) him, I saw the section describing his graphic novel "Watchmen."

This was before I was even aware there was going to be a "Watchmen"movie. I read it, and LOVED IT. Moore introduces this whole other dimension of "The Superheroe."

See the thing is, I have always collected comic books. But i never read them. I collected them because guess what...the kid who bought that very first issue of Spiderman completely cashed out on it. So my tactic...go to the comic store and buy any new 1st issues of a comic book.

Although I do like the Daredevil comics; i tend to read those...

Im just not into the whole scientific aspects of many things. I dont like sci fi movies. I dont like wasting my time on things that involve made up words. I dont know, maybe its because Im older. Dont get me wrong I LOVED Harry Potter...when I was younger. Now i just watch it because of Hermione.. but yea um anyways...

Back to Alan Moore.

Having just read V for Vendetta and Watchmen, i just want to take out my credit card and buy all his work. Ill probably waste my next paycheck on him. the other day I went to Amazon and read about a novel he released last year...

Lost Girls is a graphic novel depicting the sexually explicit adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century: Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz, and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. They meet as adults in 1913, and describe and share some of their erotic adventures with each other. The story is written by Alan Moore, and drawn by Melinda Gebbie (who also created and drew The Cobweb series of stories for Tomorrow Stories, part of Moore's America's Best Comics line). <-click there for the full link...of couuurse WIKIPEDIA

but doesnt that description just seem AWESOME. I mean come on...Wendy...Alice....and Dorothy...I have to read this....

As much as I adore Alan I will have to spend another day talking about how much of a hypocrite he is for selling the rights to his novels to Hollywood....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Obsession - KAT DENNINGS

For a while I have been fascinated by Kat Dennings.
Well its not just because of her amazingly awkward beauty, but I mean come on, she just breathes coolness.

She has some videos that she post on Youtube (which i have viewed all of them, but then again who hasnt). I mean come on, smart tactic. Make us all tune in hoping to maybe somewhat get a glimpse of who she really is (im not falling for it, well maybe a little, ok whenever i say a little i mean a lot).

But yea shes just cool. I tried to explain that to my girlfriend and she gives me a weird look. She doesnt understand the coolness.

She is beautiful. Gooorgeous. Amazing Luscious lips.

I have said to much.
Dam it.


Dam it.
I did it again.

I am not quite sure why I am typing this blog.
It can be because its 5 in the morning and I dont know what else to do.
It can also be because I want to google her, and use the excuse that I want to post some of her pictures on this blog so that you know who I am talking

No i must not join twitter.
I must not
I will not...

Dam You Kat Dennings.
Dam your coolness.

Im not crazy. Just needed to let the world know that.
But the world is not reading my blog.
so Yea.

ok Im going to go watch House Bunny for the 1, 456,789,234,567 time.

Only reason to watch House Bunny = Kat Dennings

Drunken Concerts?? The Madness

Ok, ok.

So my post is a little bit later than expected. Not that there is actually anyone who actually reads my page. ok.

The Clicks.

I became a fan after hearing their song on a show called The L Word. Have you heard of it? Well yea it is, well was (it ended this year) a television show (drama not that reality crap) that revolved around the lives of Lesbians, bisexuals, some male identified lesbians, straight men who installed cameras in his lesbian roommates house so that he could record them, def lesbians, etc.

Anyways so I decided how else can I meet Lesbians. Thats right, go to a concert that lesbians will be at.


The Cliks.

Once again I have a love for concerts that cost less than 20 bucks. This concert cost ten.

Ok so to fill you in. I invited one friend to go. Got tickets. She bailed. So I got another friend to go. Oh the friend that came is the one who bailed on the TIng Tings. But yea.

On that day, I didnt eat at all. I wanted to make sure to fit into my skinnys jeans.

It fit perfect, however; the lack of food in my system caused me to become a tad bid tipsy.

Two long island ice teas, and some of my friends Cranberry and Vodka caused me to be completely out of it.

Anyways awesome concert.

I kinda always say that.

But yea.

Was completely in the front. Jumping around like crazy to the music with my 4 in wedge sneakers. Looking to my left realizing there was some chick texting someone. Waved my hands in her face, got a nasty look. Looked to my right. Another chick, more wasted then me, leaning on the speakers.

Oh I must not forget. The opening act PLUSHGUN. Weird, Funky, Poppy, sound like Postal Service band. They are pretty good. Got them to sign their cd.

Of course i got The Cliks to sign a Cd and the shirt that I purchased (which was small dam drunkeness).

Ok ok ok.

So after the concert (which ended pretty early).

I went outside and threw my marker (which the cliks and plushgun used to sign my shirt, i was overly excited. My mother doesnt know that I volunarily threw her marker. She thinks I lost it. HENCE her not lending me things.) and ran into two chicks. Tia and Kathy.

So apparently I made a drunken fool of myself. But eventually once my friend came outside she talked to them and they invited us to some club. We all leave together and then once inside the station, I realize I cant find my wallet. Yea. So me and my friend (she saved my ass a bunch of times that day) went back to where the concert was (Oh forgot to mention it was at Mercury Lounge) and can you believe that my friend found my wallet. I guess the big guy upstairs actually likes me.

Well we head to the club. My friend was off somewhere with some photographer. Doing her own thing. I have pictures of that too but maybe I'll just stick with the concert pictures.

Well yea so me and Kathy talked. Ok well we didnt really talk. Unless talking is locking lips the entire night then yea. I dont know if she would like me typing that on my blog. But who cares. We are in love. Well now we are. Apparently she thought I was a child that first week before our date (could be because I got drunk two more times that week and left her a bunch of voicemails). But yea that doesnt matter now.

ANYWAYS.......Here are the pictures from

The Cliks...holy shit..forgot to mention CYNDI LAUPER WAS THERE AND I GOT A PICTURE WITH HER...well yea The CLiks, Cyndi Lauper, Plushgun, and the Love of my life (never to early to say it)..

Kathy ;)



Monday, August 3, 2009

Concert blog?

So I have noticed that my last few blogs have been about concerts that i have attended.

I am wondering whether this blog page has in fact....turned into a CONCERT BLOG PAGE..

Well since the Ting Tings concert, I have actually attended two more concerts.


So with in the next day or so I will definitely blog about that.

The Cliks concert day was an amazing day...since that is the day i met my wonderful i am looking forward to writing that blog

and of course...PEACHES...well that was the concert that i took my girlfriend to....also very interesting day...

but as I am currently not in the mood to write anymore I will say goodbye for now...

but do look forward to two hopefully interesting blogs and lots and lots of pictures...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Ting Tings

Ok so as I said before...definately digging the electronic pop rock stuff. So I had to buy The Ting Tings tickets to see em in NY. I believe the tickets were 20 bucks, pretty good if you ask me.

So yea I originally bought the ticket for me and a friend, it was suppose to be a birthday present but yea she ended up bailing out on me. She bailed for some lame reason (i think it was her moms bday oops). But yea so I brought my old roommate who enjoyed the show but complained it was a little too loud (really??!! its a concert!!!)

Lets get back to the show. The opening act was a little too much for me. Usually the opening act is similar to the artist you paid to see; however, this time it wasnt that way. It was some guy (yea i cant even remember his name) who was quite good with playing and banging on his guitar. But after a while it was just annoying.

Ok so once he was done The Ting Tings came on to have the greatest performance ever (ok so i exaggerate but man the energy from them is awesome). Ohh by the way I had great seats (well i was standing), I was leaning right on the stage. Oh they were performing in Webster Hall which is the worst venue everrrrr. But back to The Ting Tings!!!! Ok lets see, well the lead singer (KATIE WHITE) was insanely hyped. So hyped that she knocked over that percussion drum thing that she bangs with the stick (sorry for my poor musical instrument terms). So hyped that when she was insanely strumming her guitar she knocked down the microphone stand. So hyped that she actually threw the cowbell on the floor (I was pretty close to grabbing it).

I must say I have never been so ecstatic before. I still love UH HUH HER...but man The Ting Tings just bring out this energy....!!!

Uh huh her- PART TWO...!!!!

Before the ending of the year I got to see UH huh her again, courtesy of my birthday oh and my parents.

Ok so this time I made sure I was not intoxicated. I was not going to mess up my chance to meet Leisha Hailey and Camila Grey this time. I stood online pondering about what I was going to say. Well I purchased a cool zingy (not sure what that means) looking shirt. It had a teradactyl and a robot on it. I decided that I was going to ask Leisha and Cam (we are so cool that i can just abbreviate her name) to pick one of the characters and sign on it. So I am at the table overly excited, shook both of their hands, and put the shirt on the table. I am pretty sure I said they are awesome about twenty times. They were going to sign it, but I lifted my hands and told them to wait. At this moment Camila by mistake marked my right hand (I didnt wash that hand for a while). They listened to my propostion and Leisha signed the teradactyl (oh she also wrote "luv ya") and Cam signed the robot. I thought my idea was quite original but then my friend told them to do the same for her. Bla. I kept saying "dont do it" I also made a face and when I looked at Cam she was laughing. Sigh.

But I must add this concert was better than the first, I guess except for the 10 foot tall guy who was standing right in front of me. Oh the opening act was The Fashion, they were good. They definately have a new fan. Lets hope 2009 is as great a concert year as 2008. THANX UH HUH HER...oh and remember try not to make tickets go went from 15 to 20...hmmm not so bad..but yea...i might just have to start selling ur signed stuff on ebay to keep seeing you guysss....keep the small venues!!! please....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Uh Huh Her NYC

So it is amazing how concert ticket prices are beyond expensive...well artist have to make some profit i guess thats why tickets range from 75 to 100's of pesos...but come on what about the poor fans who supported them and their music when they first came onto the music scene...geez...well the future of the music artist lies in their ability to perform sales are going no

well i was browsing on one of my favorite bands site...UH HUH HER...they are pretty awesome...Uh Huh Her is basically a band that consist of Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey(The L Word/The Murmurs)...Their genre is basically Indie/electronic/Pop

Oh well back to the point i was making...the tickets for their concert was $15!!!! Can u believe that..??!!! $15!!!! Uh huh her does have a fan base but they r not as mainstream as other bands...however, they did sell out, which means there are ppl out there who still have good taste in music....

well i jumped on the band wagon and bought tickets to see them in NYC on May 20th at the highline ballroom...and let me tell u...about the best concert eva...and not just cuz of the long island ice teas...

Angie Mattson was the opening act...she was pretty cool...and stood after the show and signed autographs...oh and Leisha and Camila both stood afterwards too...i got to meet them..woo hoo..they rock for signing my shirt n poster...
So yea i will like to take this moment and thank UH HUH HER for having an awesome concert at a very affordable price...cant wait to see them again...

Here is a youtube link...its a short video of the clips i attempted to record during the concert

here are some pics that i took of Uh HUH her (Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monkey Town

On April 19th my media class had a showing of their films at Monkey Town.

My film was about art, which I have consistantly talked about on this blogpage.
Here are some photos.
My camera screen is broken so I am unable to see what I am taking pictures of.

I did my best....

Friday, March 7, 2008

Public Schools A Waste?

Ok so yesterday in my African American literature class my professor had us view an interview Toni Morrison did. Toni Morrison is a famous writer/poet. Well while watching the boring interview the one thing that stuck out was when she said Public School systems are a joke and that the teachers dont care for the students.

Well I graduated from a public high school. Why did I go to a public high school? Oh thats right because my parents dont have money to send me to one of THOSE private high schools.

Is the system a joke? Do the teachers not care about us?

Well let me say this, it is not the teachers who are the joke it is the students who dont take advantage of the free education provided. I received a well rounded education from my public high school and guess what, I am in a college filled with students who probably wasted money on THOSE private high schools. Free education got me here while your parents paid for yours.

Public Schools are just as good as private schools. I even find myself in this university reading books that I read freshman year of HS. I guess my public school teachers knew what they were doing.
The only thing private schools are good for is their name....