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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Writers against Computers???

Its odd that for some years I had been against getting to know my computer. I found it quite a downfall for writers when computers became the main resource. Seems as if people began to forget about the greatest literary source of all, its called a library. As an english major I prefer the holding of the book in my fingers and the turning of the pages, but I guess atleast if we read books online we wont have to worry about those paper cuts.

I have been enrolled in a few media classes and have found that technology is very useful. I had never cared to learn how youtube videos were put on sites, or how pictures were edited. I have found that the computer is definately a great source for all types of activites. I guess its better late then never. I have become addicted to Ebay, Google Search, Youtube, and the common blog spaces. My love for film has improved my need and new founnd love for this laptop .

Insomnia and Politics

So for the past few weeks I have produced an unusual sleeping habit. I tend to fall asleep when the sun rises and awake when the sun has disappeared. Now that I am in school I seem to not sleep at all. While I am awake and most are asleep I have been pondering about many topics. Its odd that I have never been involved in politics, it could be because I was never of age to vote or the fact that this is the first time that a female and a black male are fighting for the democratic presidency. This election has definately opened the eyes of many young voters. Race and Gender!!!! Well ofcourse this is what the election boils down too. For some reason I find myself slanted towards Hilary Clinton's campaign. I am hoping that my decision is not subconsciously based on gender. I am a female but I am also a minority.

Everywhere I go it seems as if there is a constant hate towards Hilary. In my school bookstore there is an actual Hilary Clinton voodoo doll. I find this quite disturbing, although there is also a George W. Bush voodoo doll, I still think its rediculous. Why are there no t shirts or hats against Obama? Is it because if one is produced it becomes a matter of racism? I attempt to watch Obama when he speaks but for some reason I dont feel motivated by him. I am open to any opinions or arguments that show that Obama may be the better democrat. We must remember that Clinton and Obama both have the same experience.

Race or Gender.... Race and gender shouldnt play a role, but for many voters it will, it seems as if we have forgotten to consider the issues they each are willing to address. Even if we claim to be picking the candidate with the better tactics we are all still thinking about the battle between Race and Gender. Eventually once Clinton or Obama are chosen we will be able to focus on the democratic win for the 2008 presidency.