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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

FREEdom's Cage??

So in class we discussed Freedom.

What makes us free? Where do we look for freedom?

Well after countless thoughts I decided that freedom is ultimately the hardest thing to achieve. Are we ever really free?

Ok well ever since we start our education we are always following THE BOSS; this boss is our teacher. When I say teacher I mean it literally, as in my boss in kindergarden was Mrs. Sanchez. I am not exactly sure if I should use the term THE MAN in place of THE BOSS....but yea thats just another term for it.

So when we are finally able to break away from school are we then free? No, now we enter reality. In which we scatter everywhere looking for a job in which we will once again be controlled by THE BOSS.
So lets say we become THE BOSS, are we free? No, once again we still owe our debt. We still have to report back to THE BOSS. Dam the taxes dam them all.

I think for one to become free one must be so wealthy that one can lay in a tub of jelly not having to ever leave it. Never having to move a muscle, never having to worry, and one must be able to not care.

So are Donald Trump, Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey FREE(there are better examples but these are the first ones that came to mind-i wonder why)? I dont think so. They still feel the need to work; they will never be free. The human instinct is to live and succeed and gain all power. To accomplish taking over the world we can never just lay in a tub of jelly.