well i was browsing on one of my favorite bands site...UH HUH HER...they are pretty awesome...Uh Huh Her is basically a band that consist of Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey(The L Word/The Murmurs)...Their genre is basically Indie/electronic/Pop
Oh well back to the point i was making...the tickets for their concert was $15!!!! Can u believe that..??!!! $15!!!! Uh huh her does have a fan base but they r not as mainstream as other bands...however, they did sell out, which means there are ppl out there who still have good taste in music....
well i jumped on the band wagon and bought tickets to see them in NYC on May 20th at the highline ballroom...and let me tell u...about the best concert eva...and not just cuz of the long island ice teas...
Angie Mattson was the opening act
...she was pretty cool...and stood after the show and signed autographs...oh and Leisha and Camila both stood afterwards too...i got to meet them..woo hoo..they rock for signing my shirt n poster...

So yea i will like to take this moment and thank UH HUH HER for having an awesome concert at a very affordable price...cant wait to see them again...
Here is a youtube link...its a short video of the clips i attempted to record during the concert
here are some pics that i took of Uh HUH her (Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey)