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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Public Schools A Waste?

Ok so yesterday in my African American literature class my professor had us view an interview Toni Morrison did. Toni Morrison is a famous writer/poet. Well while watching the boring interview the one thing that stuck out was when she said Public School systems are a joke and that the teachers dont care for the students.

Well I graduated from a public high school. Why did I go to a public high school? Oh thats right because my parents dont have money to send me to one of THOSE private high schools.

Is the system a joke? Do the teachers not care about us?

Well let me say this, it is not the teachers who are the joke it is the students who dont take advantage of the free education provided. I received a well rounded education from my public high school and guess what, I am in a college filled with students who probably wasted money on THOSE private high schools. Free education got me here while your parents paid for yours.

Public Schools are just as good as private schools. I even find myself in this university reading books that I read freshman year of HS. I guess my public school teachers knew what they were doing.
The only thing private schools are good for is their name....