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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why did u watch the superbowl???

Ok so as we all know the superbowl is the most watched event that occurs once a year.

There are a couple of reasons people watch the superbowl.
1. You love football so you watch it no matter whoes in it
2. Your a fan of one of the two teams or even both that are in it
3. The half time show
4. The Commercials

I am not a football fan. Well I like to play street ball but I don't watch the sport as I do baseball. However, being that the NY Giants were in the superbowl I decided to watch. Ofcourse being from NY i rooted for the Giants. I must say though that for the past couple of years I have watched it for the half time shows and sometimes the commercials.

We all know that ever since the whole "janet jackson" incident (it was not intentional, Janet always wears star stickers on her nipples) that the half time shows have been quite dull. Although today I did find the "beating heart" and the "arrow" lights that connected to be a great stage set up. But once again another sadly boring half time show.

The commercials, well I have never really cared for them; however, today one did stick out to my attention. The commercial that I thought was funny was with Justin Timberlake being dragged on the ground, but thats besides the point. I am mostly pulled to the commercials because I find it interesting that the advertisers pay an insane amount of money to have their commercials played during the superbowl.

So today, why did I watch the superbowl? Well because I am a New Yorker and if the Yankees cant win something for us then I will have to settle for the NFL. However, I dont want to take away from what an amazing game was played. After this game I may actually begin to watch football, well maybe atleast appreciate it a little more. The best part is, that baseball season starts in April. Cant wait till I am able to sit in my badly constructed room, with as little food as possible, with as much debt as my school is pushing me into, and watch grown men play a game and get paid millions for it. But thats another topic for another day. I am truly sincere when I say I love watching baseball, because for some reason it forms a unification among areas.

Today that unification was formed in NY thanx to the NEW YORK GIANTS!!!

Lets Go Giants!!!!

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