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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Alan Moore!!!!

I hope you (and when i say you i am referring to the no one who reads my blog) know who this man is. If you its okay.

But if you do know who he is...then you just got about 20 cool points.

Lets see...

Alan Mooore

So yea if you are aware of the "Big Hollywood Movies" then you would recognize these titles.

Alan Moore is the mastermind behind these movies; he created (along w some awesome illustrators) the graphic novel that these movies are based on. Oh, by the way hes also the mastermind behind League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I never really saw this movie though (kind of fell asleep, but not because of the boredom but bc i had just taken benadryl).

To be honest I never heard of Alan Moore until I saw V for Vendetta. I decided to look it up online (wikipedia of course) and to my amazement saw that it was adapted from Alan Moores graphic novel "V for Vendetta."

I loved the movie and I loved the novel even more. Of course they always say the book is better than the movie so yea. Im even thinking about getting a tattoo related to the novel...but thats another topic for another day..

Theres something about Alan Moore's writing that just amazes me. So...while i wikipediad (a word?) him, I saw the section describing his graphic novel "Watchmen."

This was before I was even aware there was going to be a "Watchmen"movie. I read it, and LOVED IT. Moore introduces this whole other dimension of "The Superheroe."

See the thing is, I have always collected comic books. But i never read them. I collected them because guess what...the kid who bought that very first issue of Spiderman completely cashed out on it. So my tactic...go to the comic store and buy any new 1st issues of a comic book.

Although I do like the Daredevil comics; i tend to read those...

Im just not into the whole scientific aspects of many things. I dont like sci fi movies. I dont like wasting my time on things that involve made up words. I dont know, maybe its because Im older. Dont get me wrong I LOVED Harry Potter...when I was younger. Now i just watch it because of Hermione.. but yea um anyways...

Back to Alan Moore.

Having just read V for Vendetta and Watchmen, i just want to take out my credit card and buy all his work. Ill probably waste my next paycheck on him. the other day I went to Amazon and read about a novel he released last year...

Lost Girls is a graphic novel depicting the sexually explicit adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century: Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz, and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. They meet as adults in 1913, and describe and share some of their erotic adventures with each other. The story is written by Alan Moore, and drawn by Melinda Gebbie (who also created and drew The Cobweb series of stories for Tomorrow Stories, part of Moore's America's Best Comics line). <-click there for the full link...of couuurse WIKIPEDIA

but doesnt that description just seem AWESOME. I mean come on...Wendy...Alice....and Dorothy...I have to read this....

As much as I adore Alan I will have to spend another day talking about how much of a hypocrite he is for selling the rights to his novels to Hollywood....

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