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Bronx, NY, United States
the not so random thoughts that flow through my mind?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Uh Huh Her NYC

So it is amazing how concert ticket prices are beyond expensive...well artist have to make some profit i guess thats why tickets range from 75 to 100's of pesos...but come on what about the poor fans who supported them and their music when they first came onto the music scene...geez...well the future of the music artist lies in their ability to perform sales are going no

well i was browsing on one of my favorite bands site...UH HUH HER...they are pretty awesome...Uh Huh Her is basically a band that consist of Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey(The L Word/The Murmurs)...Their genre is basically Indie/electronic/Pop

Oh well back to the point i was making...the tickets for their concert was $15!!!! Can u believe that..??!!! $15!!!! Uh huh her does have a fan base but they r not as mainstream as other bands...however, they did sell out, which means there are ppl out there who still have good taste in music....

well i jumped on the band wagon and bought tickets to see them in NYC on May 20th at the highline ballroom...and let me tell u...about the best concert eva...and not just cuz of the long island ice teas...

Angie Mattson was the opening act...she was pretty cool...and stood after the show and signed autographs...oh and Leisha and Camila both stood afterwards too...i got to meet them..woo hoo..they rock for signing my shirt n poster...
So yea i will like to take this moment and thank UH HUH HER for having an awesome concert at a very affordable price...cant wait to see them again...

Here is a youtube link...its a short video of the clips i attempted to record during the concert

here are some pics that i took of Uh HUH her (Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monkey Town

On April 19th my media class had a showing of their films at Monkey Town.

My film was about art, which I have consistantly talked about on this blogpage.
Here are some photos.
My camera screen is broken so I am unable to see what I am taking pictures of.

I did my best....

Friday, March 7, 2008

Public Schools A Waste?

Ok so yesterday in my African American literature class my professor had us view an interview Toni Morrison did. Toni Morrison is a famous writer/poet. Well while watching the boring interview the one thing that stuck out was when she said Public School systems are a joke and that the teachers dont care for the students.

Well I graduated from a public high school. Why did I go to a public high school? Oh thats right because my parents dont have money to send me to one of THOSE private high schools.

Is the system a joke? Do the teachers not care about us?

Well let me say this, it is not the teachers who are the joke it is the students who dont take advantage of the free education provided. I received a well rounded education from my public high school and guess what, I am in a college filled with students who probably wasted money on THOSE private high schools. Free education got me here while your parents paid for yours.

Public Schools are just as good as private schools. I even find myself in this university reading books that I read freshman year of HS. I guess my public school teachers knew what they were doing.
The only thing private schools are good for is their name....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interest in art???

Has the younger generation lost interest in art? What drives children to art? If I was to evaluate a student trip to a museum how will the students react? Will they care for the art? Is this a matter of not being familiar with a specific piece of work because of social class?

Public schools versus private schools?

Being the graduate of a public HS I well predict that many public HS students could care less for the paintings in the museums. I can see them participating and reacting more to the man with the guitar near the Four train.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Art's Price

Why do we need to pay a heavy price for art if it is available to us for free? Why is a painting by DaVinci draining the pockets of the individual who purchased it? Today there are many artists who can be equally as talented as those that have been praised, yet one refuses to step away from these well known artist.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Flickr Art

So I have had a flickr account for a while. For the past few weeks I have indulged myself into it and have found the most amazing approach to art.

I found a whole community of Sticker Art Collectors. They trade stickers in hopes of expanding their collection. When I say stickers, I dont mean pretty lollipops or spongebob stickers. These stickers are created by individuals. They contain graffiti, creative cartoon characters, and they produce statements.

Art continued

Art reflects the emotions and images of the current year in which it is presented. It evolves with each new encounter. In the 21st century how do we define art? Who states whether a painting is worthy of being placed in a museum? Art is everywhere and should not be reduced to just a canvas with paint or oil.

I want to create a documentary which explores art. It is difficult to distinguish what art is, which is why I hope to gather images on every encounter I have. Art can be the picture of colorful shoes on the floor. Art can be graffiti which is created by an individual’s identity. The music that we hear as we enter the subway platforms are music created by the desperate individual. At the end I hope to create a film which becomes art in itself.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is ART

Who chooses what art is? Who says what is worthy of being in a museum?

What is art?
Paintings, Sketches, Building Lanscapes, Tattoos, Clothings, Music, Music on the train/subway, Dancing, Movies, Plays, Graffiti, Stickers, Poster

So many different forms, but who judges???

What makes art? Can art be anything?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Movie's and their Lack of IMAGINATION???

It seems as if every movie I watch feels the need to show me every gruesome or sexual scene.

What ever happened to having the couple enter the room and come out later allowing us to create what happeded in our minds. Do we have to see the sex scenes? It seems as if it makes the movie good however; its really taking away from suspense and the imagination of the viewers.

How bout that scene in Seven, you know that movie with Brad Pitt. In the end do we see Paltrows head in the box? No, all we see is a box that has blood leaking from the outside. The viewers are left to imagine how it looks. Even without seeing the head in the box, we are captivated by Brad Pitts crying whimpers of "Whats in the boooooooooox?" We dont need to see it because it is felt through the acting (I'm not a Pitt fan). Oh but I must add that this movie is quite gruesome.

Sometimes showing a particular scene can actually ruin a movie. When it is shown, if it is not legitimate the viewers become disappointed. This can take a serious movie and make it humorous.

I miss horror films that didnt show the ripping out of a heart or the intestines. I mean come on, John Carpenters Halloween had so little blood but is still a great movie. If you ask me, its one of the greatest horror flicks. Zombie did pretty well in his remake, but Carpenter included so much art in the framing of the scenes.
Classic Scene: Curtis leaning on the wall crying, behind her is a dark black hallway. All of a sudden the white silhouette of Micheal Myers mask appears little by little-I dont know about you but that scene gets me every time.

Most of the time director's are taking a big unnecessary risk. Lets leave out the gruesome and sexual details and get straight to the art of the film.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

FREEdom's Cage??

So in class we discussed Freedom.

What makes us free? Where do we look for freedom?

Well after countless thoughts I decided that freedom is ultimately the hardest thing to achieve. Are we ever really free?

Ok well ever since we start our education we are always following THE BOSS; this boss is our teacher. When I say teacher I mean it literally, as in my boss in kindergarden was Mrs. Sanchez. I am not exactly sure if I should use the term THE MAN in place of THE BOSS....but yea thats just another term for it.

So when we are finally able to break away from school are we then free? No, now we enter reality. In which we scatter everywhere looking for a job in which we will once again be controlled by THE BOSS.
So lets say we become THE BOSS, are we free? No, once again we still owe our debt. We still have to report back to THE BOSS. Dam the taxes dam them all.

I think for one to become free one must be so wealthy that one can lay in a tub of jelly not having to ever leave it. Never having to move a muscle, never having to worry, and one must be able to not care.

So are Donald Trump, Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey FREE(there are better examples but these are the first ones that came to mind-i wonder why)? I dont think so. They still feel the need to work; they will never be free. The human instinct is to live and succeed and gain all power. To accomplish taking over the world we can never just lay in a tub of jelly.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why did u watch the superbowl???

Ok so as we all know the superbowl is the most watched event that occurs once a year.

There are a couple of reasons people watch the superbowl.
1. You love football so you watch it no matter whoes in it
2. Your a fan of one of the two teams or even both that are in it
3. The half time show
4. The Commercials

I am not a football fan. Well I like to play street ball but I don't watch the sport as I do baseball. However, being that the NY Giants were in the superbowl I decided to watch. Ofcourse being from NY i rooted for the Giants. I must say though that for the past couple of years I have watched it for the half time shows and sometimes the commercials.

We all know that ever since the whole "janet jackson" incident (it was not intentional, Janet always wears star stickers on her nipples) that the half time shows have been quite dull. Although today I did find the "beating heart" and the "arrow" lights that connected to be a great stage set up. But once again another sadly boring half time show.

The commercials, well I have never really cared for them; however, today one did stick out to my attention. The commercial that I thought was funny was with Justin Timberlake being dragged on the ground, but thats besides the point. I am mostly pulled to the commercials because I find it interesting that the advertisers pay an insane amount of money to have their commercials played during the superbowl.

So today, why did I watch the superbowl? Well because I am a New Yorker and if the Yankees cant win something for us then I will have to settle for the NFL. However, I dont want to take away from what an amazing game was played. After this game I may actually begin to watch football, well maybe atleast appreciate it a little more. The best part is, that baseball season starts in April. Cant wait till I am able to sit in my badly constructed room, with as little food as possible, with as much debt as my school is pushing me into, and watch grown men play a game and get paid millions for it. But thats another topic for another day. I am truly sincere when I say I love watching baseball, because for some reason it forms a unification among areas.

Today that unification was formed in NY thanx to the NEW YORK GIANTS!!!

Lets Go Giants!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Media and Tattoos

Once again I find myself unable to sleep. The time on this blog is incorrect it is currently 3:39 am. Well I have been thinking about ideas for a film for one of my classes. I have come upon the topic of tattoos. I have always been fascinated by tattoos. They are permanent marks which many would say ruins the human body. I have three tattoos which are on my arms.

It is interesting how there are many media portrayals of tatoos. There are Tattoo magazines, LA Ink, Miami Ink, and the latest London Ink reality tv shows. The tv shows focus on tattoo artist and the clients whom they tattoo. When watchng the show one is not just viewing the way in which a tattoo is made, one is viewing an artwork and the story that has produced the specfic piece of art.

What can be a topic to focus on if I was to attempt to produce a film based on tattoos?

I guess stereotypes may be a key. It seems as if there are many ways in which individuals view tattoos. FASCINATION/DISCUSS?? A question of WHY MARK YOUR BODY?

Placement of tatoos can also be an interesting discussion. Is the tattoo for show if it is on the lower back? When do people usually get a tattoo, is it to relieve stress, is it to get through a hardship, or was it just a dare during a drunken night?

For me tattoos become an expression. In life everyone is marked by hardships. These hardships become scars that are permanent. One is unable to forget about this "scar". My tattoos are an outlet and a retalliation. It is a challenge against the "higher power". It is my way of saying "I am tired of your scars. I control my body and these are the scars that I want. They are beautiful. permanent, and represent who I am. Because no matter what I am in control of my life."

The media portrayal of many things are important. It can help shed light on a specific topic. These tv shows and magazines can either break a stereotype or feed a stereotype.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Writers against Computers???

Its odd that for some years I had been against getting to know my computer. I found it quite a downfall for writers when computers became the main resource. Seems as if people began to forget about the greatest literary source of all, its called a library. As an english major I prefer the holding of the book in my fingers and the turning of the pages, but I guess atleast if we read books online we wont have to worry about those paper cuts.

I have been enrolled in a few media classes and have found that technology is very useful. I had never cared to learn how youtube videos were put on sites, or how pictures were edited. I have found that the computer is definately a great source for all types of activites. I guess its better late then never. I have become addicted to Ebay, Google Search, Youtube, and the common blog spaces. My love for film has improved my need and new founnd love for this laptop .

Insomnia and Politics

So for the past few weeks I have produced an unusual sleeping habit. I tend to fall asleep when the sun rises and awake when the sun has disappeared. Now that I am in school I seem to not sleep at all. While I am awake and most are asleep I have been pondering about many topics. Its odd that I have never been involved in politics, it could be because I was never of age to vote or the fact that this is the first time that a female and a black male are fighting for the democratic presidency. This election has definately opened the eyes of many young voters. Race and Gender!!!! Well ofcourse this is what the election boils down too. For some reason I find myself slanted towards Hilary Clinton's campaign. I am hoping that my decision is not subconsciously based on gender. I am a female but I am also a minority.

Everywhere I go it seems as if there is a constant hate towards Hilary. In my school bookstore there is an actual Hilary Clinton voodoo doll. I find this quite disturbing, although there is also a George W. Bush voodoo doll, I still think its rediculous. Why are there no t shirts or hats against Obama? Is it because if one is produced it becomes a matter of racism? I attempt to watch Obama when he speaks but for some reason I dont feel motivated by him. I am open to any opinions or arguments that show that Obama may be the better democrat. We must remember that Clinton and Obama both have the same experience.

Race or Gender.... Race and gender shouldnt play a role, but for many voters it will, it seems as if we have forgotten to consider the issues they each are willing to address. Even if we claim to be picking the candidate with the better tactics we are all still thinking about the battle between Race and Gender. Eventually once Clinton or Obama are chosen we will be able to focus on the democratic win for the 2008 presidency.